PERSONAL POST: The Appreciation of a Writer

Hi fellow Writing and Education Enthusiasts!

It has been quite awhile, I must say, since I have published a post that is not a Poetry or Prose piece. With this realisation in mind, I decided to make this post as another warm THANK-YOU to all those who have chosen to follow my journey as a writer.

One of the commonly occurring phrases is ‘Thank-you for caring about what others have to say’. To this I respond with, are we not all common human beings? Do we not all have some form of heartache, struggle, passion, strength and love? In a world forever changing, with each having a life of decisions and obstacles, why not band together and aid each others growth as successful beings? Indeed, I hope you all feel that my site is a space for sharing ideas and respecting opinions.

Do any of you have a theme request for a poem, prose or different written form? Perhaps you even request advice or aid? Feel free to express your thoughts.

Sincerely Jody

~ If you desire to write, do not refer to yourself as a to be Author, proudly call yourself a passionate Author now! Even if you are yet to be published, do not lose hope.

PROSE: Unseen


The surface glistens as the vibrant rays caress the shimmering water. She looks out and feels the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the heat’s cure that her feet swishes lightly in.

She can hear the trickling of the water manoeuvring amongst the smooth rocks, and the rustling of the leaves, as chirping creatures glide with wings catching the tangy air waves.

She smiles a sad smile, a longing smile, as she repeats her wish quietly to herself. She thinks back to her fifth birthday, when she blew out all the candles. The cheers from her loved ones was confirmation that she was successful at this.

In that moment she had made a wish, and this was the very wish that she now repeats to herself; just like she has on every birthday since that first instance. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply in, listening, always listening, to the world around her.

She opens her eyes and lets out a slow breath of private sorrow as the world remains the same. She will never see the water glisten, or the lush green of the leaves, nor the softness of the birds’ feathers as they play freely in the sky.

She will never see the sparkle of the sun, or the beauty that she has now become. She will always have her enhanced hearing and imagination, though, and through a life of blindness, this will have to do.

This will have to do.


By Jody Dontje

~ My first published attempt at a prose form. Thoughts?

POETRY: Lingering


You brush over my mind,

Like a light feather on my skin.

I see your melting eyes,

And your voice seems to sing.


I’ve moved on and love all,

That I’ve achieved and who I am,

But here you are once more,

On my mind again.


Here you are once more,

Like an image flickering by.

You’re reachable with effort,

Like a balloon that’s flown high.


Yet the time and space apart,

Makes it like a dream.

Intangible and almost forbidden,

Something that could’ve been.


How can it be so long?

We’ve both grown and moved on.

Yet I don’t need to ask,

To know I’m not your past.


We will always be connected,

Even when far apart,

An invisible link protected,

A speckle stuck on the heart.


By Jody Dontje

POETRY: Shout Out!

Shout Out!

If you have a voice, let it out!

Let it take the stage and shout!


Share your ideas with the world,

Be a woman not a girl.


Be a man, no not a boy,

Don’t let others make you their toy.


Take a stand and you will shine,

To have an opinion is not a crime!


Respect what others say and do,

Then ask them to let you be you.


By Jody Dontje

~ Be yourself and have a say, don’t hide away or be afraid!


This post is dedicated to all the supporters I have already gained. It means so much to have other passionate beings sharing their passions with me, and encouraging me to pursue my dreams. So I now say to you all,


I always desired to start a site,

But it was constantly an ‘I might’;

Life is so busy, it’s hard to make time,

To sit down and create a much loved rhyme.


Passion flowing deep inside,

It seemed to only deeply reside,

No time to let the ideas out,

Let my growing desire shout.


But now, finally, here we are,

The amount of support surprises me by far,

I appreciate each and every one of you,

And I truly seek to support you too.


Lets grow together as passionate beings,

Support each other as we keep achieving,

Like posts, comment, and seek to inspire,

Show the world our voice as one big choir!


Sincerely Jody

POETRY: Plain and Green

Plain and Green

I am lonely on a surface,

Seeing the world with new eyes,

I feel so lost and frustrated,

What am I? Who am I?


Behind me is a crumbling brown,

Below me is all green,

Above me is the brightest circle,

That my eyes have ever seen.


The surface seems to have green veins,

And bounce beneath my weight,

My stomach is grumbling with pains,

A feeling that I hate.


I take in a breath and begin to slide,

To the very edge,

I peek over the side with wide eyes,

My body shakes with dread.


With fearful eyes I gaze below,

And see a surface that gleams,

It reflects an image in the shallow,

Of a veiny shape of green.


Upon this pointed oval shape,

Is a creature that I barely see,

With tearful eyes I say ‘Wait,

Is that creature me?’


I am so small and hardly there,

I am all plain and green,

I continue to shake and fearfully stare,

At this creature I wish I had not seen.


By Jody Dontje

~ This poem is in dedication to my Fictional Short Story that I may upload one day.

POETRY: The Friendship Line

The Friendship Line

There can be a fine line

Between friends and lovers.

We sometimes pass over this line slightly,

But only in our own minds, under the covers.


A strong surge of feelings rise like a

Heatwave from within,

Then it passes and fades

As you fight to not let those feelings win.


Sometimes it is what they say,

That makes your heart seem to jolt.

Other times it is what they do,

That makes you question, makes you stop.


We brush it off like a harmless speck

That hovers over our skin and lands,

Laughing at ourselves and thinking,

‘We have always just been friends’.


Then of course there are those times,

Where a change rushes over their face,

Or there are alterations in their manner

That makes you closer, or creates space.


All aboard the friendship,

That will take us on a ride,

Of ups and downs and questions flowing,

Rushing deeply on inside.


By Jody Dontje

PERSONAL POST: Grammar and Spelling Pains!

Hi fellow Writing and Education Enthusiasts!

Am I the only one who sometimes obsesses over personal correct grammar and spelling?

I cannot explain the pain, when you post a piece that you are proud of, but neglect to identify an error before posting! Yes, this has just happened to me, with my previous POETRY post called Running Out of Time! A whole day it spent lingering in cyberspace, with the title spelt Running Our of Time! Apologies to those who were left to suspect I have no eye for correct spelling.

On a different note, I taught my first lesson on this years Primary School Placement, and it went better than expected! Grades 5/6 students, as a whole-class Language, Literacy and Literature one hour lesson, all listening with attentive enthusiasm. I could not be happier! They reacted well to my introduction of what I expect behaviour wise, reached the lessons learning intentions, and absolutely loved my incorporation of drama!

I would love to hear your experiences, feel free to share.

Sincerely Jody

POETRY: Running Out of Time!

Running Out of Time!

Tick, tock,

Tick, tock,

There is someone inside,

Where do I hide?


Tick, tock,

Tick, tock,

They might have a knife,

My life is in strife!


Click, Plock,

Click, Plock,

I can hear searching hands,

Do I have a chance?


Click, plock,

Click, plock,

I hide under the draw,

On the vibrating floor.


Swish, swosh,

Swish, swosh,

They knocked over a glass,

And now they’ve walked past…


Giggle, gasp,

Giggle, gasp,

It is just dad,



Sincerely Jody

~ What reaction did this poem give you?

POETRY: The Rhythm of Life

The Rhythm of Life

Attention, attention,

Always fighting for attention,

Sharing our progression,

Seeking out direction.


Direction, direction,

Always searching for direction,

Where to seek connection?

Is a common question.


Question, question,

We always seem to question,

Listening to suggestion,

Seeking out perfection.


Perfection, perfection,

Why must we be perfection?

Consuming our attention,

Making up discussion.


Discussion, discussion,

Life’s often about discussion,

Always discuss your children,

Give them your attention.


Attention, attention,

Always fighting for attention,

Sharing our progression,

Seeking out direction.


By Jody Dontje