POETRY: A Vase that is Lacking…

A Vase that is Lacking…

I see the swirling black smoke consuming my vision,

While my soul and heart undergo a painful transition,

All walls now destroyed, vulnerable for the taking,

Happiness so close but a heart is left aching.


A cat chasing a mouse, who cannot yet love,

A soft hand protected by a lathery glove,

Potential stayed storming in a secret compartment,

Two eyes locked under a powerful enchantment.


Tables turning with chairs creaking and cracking,

The bird of love screeches, a vase that is lacking,

Flowers left with no nutrients to thrive and survive,

Two souls could have been one with both hearts alive.


A gleaming line was tied on one side then the other,

Until one side breaks to protect and take cover,

The tied side quivers, shakes, extends outwards,

But time has twisted these knights into cowards.


By Jody Dontje

~ I focused greatly on my use of imagery and metaphors to drive the narrative of this poem. Thoughts?

POETRY: Paralysation


I drifted freely through the air,

Content with never quite being caught,

Then I eased into your love and care,

My untrained heart began to be taught.


No label slammed upon my head,

And with a brave smile you agreed to it all,

Cadged like a bird was what I had dread,

But, your strength began to fall.


As we went on with the same routines,

You yearned to hold and to have me,

So, you burnt and stamped down your feelings,

‘Cause I was content with leaving it be.


We acted like lovers, some called us cute,

At times you believed my actions,

They weren’t a lie but I hid the truth,

My thoughts became personal captions.


Eventually it came, we both feel the same!

As my heart became unhidden,

I poured out my soul and offered you tame,

The lion into a kitten.


Then came the shock, the heartbreak, the rock,

That caused the realisation,

That you had stamped, burnt, and had got,

Into a state of paralysation.


It took me too long, to open my heart,

You can’t make yourself trust this action,

Now we’re back to just friends, with time apart,

Feelings undergoing retraction.


The lesson learnt here, is that the fear,

Can halt you in your path,

So hurdle and jump when you’re so near,

To find true happiness at last.


By Jody Dontje

POETRY: Trust (Hidden Lock and Key)

Trust (Hidden Lock and Key)

Trust can be a tenuous thing, I must say,

I must say.

A key that cannot be just given away,

On any such day, no way, no way!


It needs to be built upon a stable foundation,

Worked to be kept in the proper condition,

With two people resisting unfaithful temptation,

To withstand storms should be the main mission.


Trust can be an unstable thing, still to this day,

Still to this day.

A lock that is sacred and hidden away,

Protect it each day, keep disasters at bay.


By Jody Dontje

POETRY: Unfound Love, Profound Love

Unfound Love, Profound Love

In a land, far away,

A man searches long and wide,

Within the jungle and in the caves,

Seeking out his yet found wife.


Day and night thoughts are of her,

Like a shadow that never leaves,

Oh, why is there no cure?

A locked up jail that has no keys!


Unfound love,

Profound love,

A desire sent from above.


Searching high,

Searching low,

A desire sent from below.


In a land, quite near home,

A man searches all alone,

Within his mind and within his soul,

He continues to cherish just one goal.


By Jody Dontje

EDUCATION EDITION: Want more followers?

WANT MORE FOLLOWERS? Here’s some hints that may help! 


Firstly, let me say a MASSIVE HELLO to you all (my fellow writing and education enthusiasts),

If you are new, welcome to the World of Blogging, and what an exciting journey you have embarked on! If you have been apart of this online world for awhile, then congratulations on your progress so far, and may your journey continue to grow more and more successful.

If you are reading this with a fiery passion in your belly, that sizzles and sparks with every new idea that comes about in your mind, then I say you are already on your way to becoming a successful online writer! These passions start off as desires, and then grow until they are what truly makes us happy in this forever changing world. Never, and I don’t usually throw this word around, but NEVER let anyone convince you to completely throw away these passions. They are what makes you great, they are what makes you alive, and what makes you unique as a human being.

If you don’t feel this such passion, then hopefully after reading this Education Edition, and after giving the blogging world a far chance, you might find it.


Now, without further ado, let me share some of my hints to help you grow your blogs success:

1) Write with Desire and to Inspire:

This may seem obvious, but as we begin to drown under the growing level of work and commitments that life flows towards us, we sometimes can write for the sake of writing, without enough thought. When we read an online blogging piece, we don’t necessarily know much about the author. Therefore, ensure that when you write, you let your passion drive the right words from your mind and into worldly view. If you are in a particular mindset, and lingering in a certain mood, then write to accommodate. What truly inspires a reader, is reading a piece that you can tell was written carefully, and with true emotion behind it. Success starts with us.

2) Write Regularly:

It may be difficult, and trust me, I know. Life has a tendency to steal our mind away from the pure enjoyment of lingering in imagination. Sometimes all we want is to write, but we never have the time. Well, my fellow writer, here’s a cliché for you, never say never. There is ALWAYS time, even if it just before bed, or first thing in the morning. If it is on a break that for the life of us should be longer, in between classes, in the doctors waiting area, at the playground with the children, on a bus, at the beach, or even in the shower! You would be surprised of when the best ideas may come to mind. To this I say, therefore, keep a pen and paper at the ready! Or even a phone or another electronic device, just always have something there to capture your creativity, and then edit and share with the online world!

3) Scroll and Support:

The blogging world is somewhat, to an extent, a give and get environment. Make yourself scroll down the newsfeed; read, like, comment and support other passionate beings! This is, after all, a collaborative world. Life is hard enough without the support of other growing beings and you’d be surprised how much support you receive if you give out your time to others, and not just expect others to give theirs.

4) Follow:

If you want supporters (followers), do you really believe they don’t want the same? I’m not saying press follow for every single being who you discover online, but I am saying that if you find a piece you like, if you are inspired by someone, then FOLLOW THEM! Why hide away like a silent stalker? Let yourself be known, follow others! This will truly work in your favour, as well, when your name becomes more familiar to more readers.

5) Special Space:

Your blog page and avatar is your own. Make it yours! As readers we like to know the people who we are truly inspired by.

– Personal Description:  Write a captivating and thought provoking description of yourself. Add in some interesting facts about yourself to make readers interested, or better yet, inspire them to ask questions. You want them to want to contact you!

– Avatar Photo: Choose an appropriate picture to represent you, avoid embarrassing selfies! Keep a level of professionalism. If you have done something truly inspiring and have a picture to show it, then why not share this with the blogging world! Don’t be a stranger!

– Widgets: Add more widgets to help you gain followers. For example, enable the email subscription widget, to allow non-blogging members to still support you through email. Personalise your space with widgets that aid your online writing goals.

– Navigation: Indeed this is a very important one! Do not have loud music or distracting images rushing around. Have an easy to navigate site that doesn’t leave the reader in a state of utter confusion, or shock when music blares suddenly out of their speakers. You want the reader to have a positive experience with your site, not feel the quick need to exit completely and never return. Yes, personalise your space, but do not forget a level of professionalism, and don’t lose your common-sense with it’s layout.

Safety Consideration: This is still an online environment where you don’t know the people on the other side of the screen, and, therefore, still be cautious of the information you do share. This includes pictures, and information about your exact location. Bank details and important passwords, of course, are completely off the sharing option list. Also, do not private email someone who do not have a very well supported blog. Even then, be cautious. Finally, NEVER meet up in person without careful precaution and consideration (such as taking a friend to a very public place).


Thank-you all for taking the time to read the FIRST Education Edition from The Nature of Writing and Education. I hope I have helped, and feel free to contact me if you have further inquiries or difficulty. Finally, feel free to SUPPORT MY SITE too, and I will look forward to seeing your growth as a writer.


Sincerely Jody Dontje

POETRY: Coastal Cleanse (Heaven on Earth)

Coastal Cleanse (Heaven on Earth)

The beach is full of golden gems,

Sparkling beneath comforting rays,

Whether straight, or if it bends,

It’s caressed by silky waves.


The salty air cures troubling thoughts,

Cleanses the soul of all its warts,

Smothers it over, keeps it down,

Dark shadows begin to drown.


Take it in and truly consume,

The magic of this private room,

A place that’s shared to an extent,

But, a feeling and vision cannot be lent.


By Jody Dontje

~ Where cures and cleanses your soul?

POETRY and PERSONAL POST: Breathless Break

Breathless Break

I see children sliding down a rich green slide,

While a blind boy plays piano with his mother by his side.

There’s buzzing, laughs, screams and cheeps,

As little brown birds hop around at my feet.


I feel the rays of golden sun as a breeze,

Swirls lightly around, I see dancing leaves.

As the music escalates, lingering laughs rise,

A pure level of delight, an atmosphere energised.


By Jody Dontje


~ Hi fellow Writing and Education Enthusiasts!

It has been too very long, I must say. Not only have I missed the peaceful feeling of becoming immersed in writing and imagination, I have missed being here, as we support each others passions. I have been busy enjoying a much needed heavenly Summer, while I volunteer, work and see important members of my life. I hope you have all been well!

I am happy to say I am back for 2014! A year for traveling, studying, supporting, growing, exploring, and writing!

I hope you enjoyed my poem, Breathless Break, which was written in my lunchbreak outside, in this magical moment.


Sincerely Jody

POETRY: Risk in the Abyss

Risk in the Abyss

Leap into the abyss,

Take a risk,

Here’s a chance that cannot be missed.


A heart is protected,


A soul that has been affected.


It started with a kiss,

No resist,

But, now doubt begins to insist.


Fear and thoughts can wreck it,


Expose your faults like you’re naked.


Don’t resist happiness,

Take a risk,

Let them help you rid of the mess.


By Jody Dontje

~ Don’t let fears steal away happiness.



POETRY: A Beautiful Balance

A Beautiful Balance

Let your passions drive you,

Let them fill you with fuel,

Let your loved ones guide you,

But, follow your own good will.


Be the person you desire to be,

Be all the positive parts you see,

Be uniquely different to me,

But, don’t force difference too eagerly.


Learn from other peoples mistakes,

Learn from what they do and say,

Learn that it isn’t always too late,

But, make sure you give and not just take.


Teach others right from wrong,

Teach others to share in life’s song,

Teach others to respect differences,

But, be accepting and work on your weaknesses.


By Jody Dontje

POETRY: Moments


I wish my eyes were a camera,

Capturing moments for all to see.

An instance of pure happiness,

Or of devastation and misery.


Those times of heightened emotion,

Whether they be good or bad.

To either make another feel better,

Or to help someone feel glad.


We all have struggles to overcome,

So sharing them can be an aid,

To those who feel quite alone,

Who feel somewhat afraid.


Then sometimes we just need to cheer them up,

Let them see the good in the world.

Oh, I wish my eyes were a camera,

To show we live on a pearl!


Life is precious, and the land is alive,

We need to work together to survive,

We should help each other to see the light,

To say ‘yes’ instead of ‘I might’.


By Jody Dontje